Lily Charette embarks on her second season performing with Ballet Embody's Student Company!
Learn more about Lily!
Astrological Sign
Favorite Food
Peanut Butter
Favorite Color
Favorite Book
Harry Potter
Favorite Movie
Westside Story
Inspirational Quote
Comparison is the thief of joy.
Favorite Music/Artist/Band/Musical Genre
Paramore, No Doubt, Skillet (older alternative/punk/rock)
Favorite Place to Be
The dance studio!!!
If you were a dinosaur, which dinosaur would you be?
What genre of dance is your favorite? Why?
I love Lyrical and Musical Theatre, because I like to perform with a variety of emotion.
What is your favorite full length ballet/variation/performance? Why?
I LOVE the Nutcracker story line, and our twist on the Maryland Nutcracker makes it even more fun, but performing in Weekend at Marley Manor was such a cool experience!
Why do you dance?
I like the opportunity to express my emotions through movement and challenge myself daily!
If you wear pointe shoes, what kind do you wear? If not pointe shoes, what kind of flat shoes do you prefer?
I am currently wearing the Bloch European Balance pointe shoes, and Bloch Performa flats.
What other jobs/activities/talents/passions do you pursue?
I really like to read and write. I plan to pursue a career as a Physical Therapist that specializes in treating dancers!
What's a fun fact about you that tends to surprise people?
Even though I am kind of silly, I am a straight A Honor student, and in the Gifted and Talented program at my school!
What are you looking forward to this season with Ballet Embody?
I am so excited to perform as Clara and Fritz in this year’s Maryland Nutcracker!!!
photos provided by Lily Charette